Tadgh Crozier – Boingboing Volunteer

I have worked in substance misuse for the last 18 years and have also volunteered with Boingboing since 2015. I really enjoy the variety of work. In my day to day work I support Gay and Bisexual men, who are engaging in chemsex, to then overcome obstacles in their recovery. In the addiction field, recovery capital is part of the basis of the client’s recovery, and the Resilience Framework fully supports this and can add to the skills that the client can gain in making positive changes.

Having been part of the first East Sussex Resilient Therapy CoP, I was able to design and develop the Resilience Tower and enable people to engage in talking about their feelings and emotions, all while playing a game. The Resilience Tower is now being used in various services around the UK, and can be ordered from Boingboing.

The Boingboing team are full of great ideas. I love being part of this and look forward to creating further creations in the future.

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