Social Enterprise, the future of business?
In this blog co-authored by members of our Boingboing, CRSJ and Resilience Revolution community we’ve taken a round-up of key points gathered at the Social Enterprise Futures Summit held at the end of 2020. We’ve collected loads of useful tips and information from a host of inspiring speakers at the summit and put together a handy summary of key steps we can take in our own work and lives to better support social enterprises.

Attending the Partnerships for Social Justice workshop
Three Boingboingers offer a thought provoking round up of the take-home messages from a Partnerships for Social Justice workshop, a network that brings together practitioners, researchers, and members of the public to collaborate on reducing inequalities. The workshop intended to enable discussion and debate, exchange ideas and expertise, and forge new collaborative projects.

The Resilience Framework and Covid-19
The Resilience Framework & Covid-19: A tool that anyone and everyone can use to help build resilience and get through tough times In Blackpool, young people, adults and our whole community have been learning about resilience as we lead a world’s first Resilience Revolution. It means anyone who lives, works or volunteers in Blackpool can … Read more

‘A Disorder For Everyone’ Festival 18th September 2020
Vicki Dunham offers a thought provoking round up of some of the best bits and take home messages from the ‘A Disorder for Everyone’ Online Festival on the 18th September 2020.

Building organisational resilience with the Noble Truths during COVID-19
This blog by Mental Health Nursing Lecturer and PhD student Lucy Colwell describes how the social enterprise Eggtooth has used the Noble Truths of the Resilience Framework to guide their response to the pandemic context.

Türkiye’de Kovid-19 Pandemi süreci blog
Bu yazı ile Kovid-19 pandemi döneminde psikolojik danışma alanında yılmazlık bakış açısı ile bir durum değerlendirmesi yapmayı hedefledik. [This blog (in Turkish) discusses family resilience as an example of systems approach and a way of strengthening communities in the current context of Covid-19.]