Co-produced resilience tools

Pop up shop
  • Coproduction
  • Guides, Materials and Toolkits

Boingboing’s range of co-produced resilience tools were showcased in a ‘pop up shop‘ at the Utopia Fair 24-26 June 2016 at Somerset House in London. This free event was an opportunity for people to see what we’ve been up to and chat about our new products.  Our team worked very hard, and we’ll post the photos on our blog very soon.

Ordering Products

If you missed the Utopia Fair, don’t worry, you can still get hold of our fantastic resilience tools from our online shop.

Designing Resilience – What’s it all about?

If you came to our Designing Resilience event in November 2015 you will remember the amazing range of resilience tools being developed by young people with complex needs together with local communities (including Arts Connect and Brighton-based organisation Community21), digital artists and designers, academics, parents, practitioners and policy makers. You may have enjoyed playing the Sun and Clouds game, the Resilience Tower or the Resilience Roadmap, or you might have experimented with our Talking Heads interactive wall or built your own Resilience Tree or Resilience Box.

“There will be a ‘pop up’ shop at Somerset House, developed with input from design academics and students at the University of Brighton. It will be selling various products to help young people develop resilience. In terms of utopian ideas, pop up shops can be a creative space offering hope for the future when life is very tough. These will be product development evolutions of prototypes we have developed.” – Simon, a young person who works for Boingboing.

All of our resilience tools have been developed by young people with complex needs, and/or practitioners supporting them, to help young people face challenges in life. The tools will be marketed through our pop-up shop and sold online after that on a not-for-profit basis. If we ever end up making any money from this we will feed it back into supporting young people.

Resilience Trees

“It’s been great working in collaboration on these products and we’ve really come up with something that none of us could have designed on our own.” – Nick Gant, the design academic from the University of Brighton leading from the design side.

Without wishing to blow our own (royal) trumpet, Prince Harry tried his hand at the Resilience Tower recently at the launch of the Heads Together Campaign in London where project partners YoungMinds were demonstrating it. The tower was the brain child of Tadgh Crozier, a resilience practitioner who is part of the Boingboing community and is implementing resilience-based practice ideas.

Prince Harry Resilience TowerPhoto: Prince Harry playing the Resilience Tower (c)Twitter/Kensington Palace

“This game helps us think about and chat through the things in life that we need to help us when things get tough. Resilience includes being able to bounce forward after something difficult has happened, or when life is generally tough. Finding ways to challenge bad things that others might do to us is part of this. We all need things in place to help us do that.” – Angie Hart, Boingboing and University of Brighton.

The Boingboing community includes young people, families and adults with experience of social disadvantage and inequalities, as well as supportive academics and practitioners. In fact, we all find the resilience-based approaches we’ve developed useful to help us get through tough times.

Related Resources

Insiders' Guide

The Insiders’ Guide parent carer support course

Parenting has got to be one of the hardest jobs there is – and it’s tougher when you have a child with additional needs such as a disability, special educational need, complex health or behaviour issue.

The Resilient Classroom a resource pack for tutor groups and pastoral staff

The Resilient Classroom Resource

This resilient classroom resource was created and developed to provide practical help for tutors and other pastoral staff and is suitable for use in the tutor group setting. It supports the tutor group structure and helps build relationships between tutors and students. Students and heads of years have been involved, through consultation and participation, in providing useful and appropriate exercises.

Visual arts resources

Building resilience through arts resources

An arts for resilience practice guide has been produced by the project team (including young people). It contains instructions on how to conduct a range of practical visual arts activities that we have identified as being resilience promoting.

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