Joint response to the Department for Education consultation – ‘Character and resilience: call for evidence’

On 27 May 2019 the Department for Education opened a consultation titled ‘Character and resilience: call for evidence’. They were seeking views on the importance of building character and resilience in young people, and invited examples of good practice across educational settings.

The Centre of Resilience for Social Justice at the University of Brighton, together with Boingboing, prepared a joint response to Questions 10-16 of the consultation, providing examples of projects we are involved in, and other resilience-building initiatives that we know of. We also explained why we felt that their definition of ‘character’ was problematic, including that it is overly reductive and simplistic, risks ‘responsibilising’ the individual, and fails to acknowledge the important roles of family, school and the wider community in supporting young people’s resilience. You can download and read our response.


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