Co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution made not one, but two submissions to the UK Parliament ‘Prevention in Health and Social Care’ inquiry last month. The inquiry is about preventing ill health, now and in the future. Our submission team included Pauline Wigglesworth, Hannah Eaglestone, Sam Richardson, Buket Kara and Mirika Flegg. Here is what we suggested…

In our first submission, we asked the Prevention Inquiry to send a clear message that adults take bullying seriously. We talked about how young people who are bullied AND young people displaying bullying behaviours are less likely to feel like they belong and at greater risk of feeling poorly. We talked about the independent anti-bullying charter marks established in UK schools to show bullying is a problem across the UK. We also said we don’t know enough about bullying outside of schools, and therefore we may not be doing enough for young people in these contexts. We asked specifically for clearer guidance around bullying prevention for adults who are supporting young people both inside and outside of school. We also said we need more research to explore links between bullying, social exclusion, and physical and mental health.

In our second submission, we said we need to change the way we think about prevention research and planning. We recommended exploring links between equality factors (e.g., gender/gender expression), social determinants (e.g., education), and ill health. We said taking a national approach to investigations would improve our understanding about how we can help everyone be happier and healthier. We also asked for some clearer guidance around involving those seldom included. We suggested some changes to existing Government guidance around citizen involvement to better enable young people to contribute in future.

Our full written submissions are not yet available on the inquiry web page, but will be soon.

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