Topic: Resilience at Work – the politics and practices of a trade union approach to resilience – Elizabeth Cotton
Resources: You can download Elizabeth’s slides.
Session summary: This session looks at a new national workplace resilience programme developed by The Resilience Space and the TUC which aims to build resilience in workplaces. The session will look at what a trade union approach to resilience might look like and the important links between trade union education methods and resilience. The session will try to open up a discussion about the politics of taking a resilience perspective. Specifically, whether this model of resilience is intrinsically political in relation to its capacity to address social justice at work?
Biography: Elizabeth Cotton is a Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University Business School. Her academic background is in political philosophy and current writing includes precarious work and employment relations, activism and mental health at work. She has worked as an activist and educator in over thirty countries, working with trade unions and Global Union Federations at senior level. Elizabeth lived and worked abroad until returning to the UK in 2007 to write and start the process of training in adult psychotherapy. She is founding director of The Resilience Space (external link) a new not-for-profit made up of a team of educators, therapists and trade unionists who work with anyone who wants to build their resilience. You can also read her Surviving Work Weekly blog (external link).
Suggested audience: practitioners, students, community workers, public sector workers, young people and service users.
This session took place on Wednesday 3 October 2012.
The Resilience Forum is for ANYBODY (with a pulse!) involved with or interested in resilience research!