Topic: Co-produced resilience research: many reasons why it’s great! – Mikey Reynolds, Dominic Steel and Anne Rathbone
Resources: You can download the slides, read our Blog, and watch a short film about the Arts Connect Ambassadors here:
Session Summary: This abstract has been co-written by the Arts Connect Ambassadors with Anne Rathbone, who has worked on the research for her PhD (see our Bio). Our presentation will present and explore some of the evidence for the value of community based research where everyone works together, and how this links to the study of research as part of an approach to resilience which challenges and changes unfair situations and practices (which some of you will know as a “fifth wave” approach).
It has been co-developed and co-presented by the Arts Connect Ambassadors with Anne Rathbone. It will cover:
• What the academic literature says about why co-produced resilience research is important
• The views of the co-researchers on the value of the experience for them and others
• Some examples of how we have tried (and succeeded!) in changing unfair situations that present us with tough challenges
• What our research is saying about resilience for our group
We promise you stories, games, fun and discussion of resilience research in a new way. We want to educate you and inspire you to go out and co-produce!
Biography: Mikey Reynolds and Dominic Steel are members of the Arts Connect Ambassadors. Arts Connect is part of Culture Shift and is set up to support adults in East Sussex with learning disabilities to develop their arts interests and skills, for example through film, music and dance. The programme is commissioned by ESCC Adult Social Care and Public Health.
The Ambassadors are a group who meet to help with decision making about the programme, represent Arts Connect to others and take part in the resilience research that they will be presenting at the Resilience Forum. Dominic and Mikey have presented their resilience research work, on behalf of other Ambassadors, at the Arts Connect networking meetings, academic conferences, Research Council events and schools.
Anne Rathbone is a PhD student at the University of Brighton and works part time as senior Training and Consultancy Manager for Boingboing. She loves co-production! She qualified as a youth and community worker originally and after managing youth action and counselling services found her way into training and then commissioning in the public sector. Since then she has specialised in community development practice and consultancy in participatory approaches and co-production, especially with vulnerable young people. She is passionate about work that gives a voice to people who face discrimination and enables them to take action to challenge social injustice.
Who might be most interested: This session has been prepared to be accessible to people of all ages, needs and abilities.
This session took place on Wednesday 16 March 2016.
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