Topic: Roar Response – Bounce back now – Tony Niemen, Leigh Horner and Kath Thompson from Merseyside Youth Association.
Resources: You can download the forum slides.
Session Summary: The Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) Raise Team focuses on a variety of projects that aim to provide information to professionals working with children and young people, parents and children and young people themselves. As part of the Liverpool Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) partnership, we address mental health issues tackling stigma and upskilling both staff and the community.
This presentation discusses the following projects and training; sharing our learning in building resilience in young people and the community. Our projects and training include the following: Roar Response. This is an evidence based resilience focused mental health response model created specifically for primary schools to support the whole school in developing and supporting children’s mental health. Totem. A peer mentoring programme for senior schools developed to train mental health peer mentors to a standard of gold, silver and bronze to support the school community and alert relevant staff through the use of the allocated hub website. Youth Connect Five. This parent support programme has been developed to train professionals to deliver a 5 week course for parents with young people focussed on resilience and modelling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), empowering parents to develop new key skills to support their children. Now Festival. Engaging young people throughout Liverpool and Sefton on mental health issues from their perspective focussing on key yearly themes where over 20 young people are involved in a performance at the Epstein Theatre. Resources. The Bounce back cards and Resilience framework have been developed into a relatable and easy to understand resource with a simple and fun game activity allowing interaction from all ages. A free website is also available reflecting the same structure and with additional information through film clips and script.
Biography: Kath Thompson is a teacher and youth worker. She has developed key training programmes relevant to professionals working in schools as well as developing a network of key lead professionals.
Tony Niemen, as a youth worker and learning mentor has been working with young people’s mental health. Delivering various courses to professionals, parents and young people throughout Liverpool and Sefton where resilience is threaded into all training and included in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA).
Leigh Horner, as an experienced youth worker is an expert in developing relationships with young people. Promoting their views and experiences and embedding perspectives within the training including an award winning peer mentoring programme.
Who might be most interested: Academics, practitioners, researchers, students, parents, carers, community workers, volunteers, public sector workers, young people, service users and people with lived experience of mental health problems.
Further Reading:
1. Merseyside Youth association
2. MYA Resilience Framework adaptation
This event took place on Thursday 14 March 2019.
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