Supporting mental health and emotional wellbeing at school

Supporting mental health and emotional wellbeing at school

How can you best support mental health and emotional wellbeing at school? – by young people from the mental health participation group, Download; the East Sussex Youth Cabinet, and with help from Lisa Buttery at boingboing

This short guide includes tips for teachers and school staff schools as recommended by young people. It includes ideas for raising awareness and challenging stigma, promoting positive mental health, and a list of ten things NOT to do, plus a resource section with further sources of support.

Download your copy now.


Our Academic Publications

Our Academic Publications

This page presents an archive of selected published works from the Boingboing, Resilience Revolution and CRSJ community. This includes key academic papers, submissions of evidence and a few books relevant to the Boingboing approach to resilience.

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Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

In this 10-week programme, co-developed by Lancashire Mind, Blackpool HeadStart and Boingboing, pupils, their friends, family and wider school community can use the Resilience Framework to learn about resilience and try out practical actions to promote resilience building.

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Mind your (pathologising) language! blog

Mind your (pathologising) language! blog

Negative, pathologising language is often used to describe behaviour, thoughts, and feelings that lie outside the norm, with little attention given to the consequences and how it can help to create mental health stigma.

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Schools mental health guide

Schools mental health guide

Supporting children and young people in their mental health: A guide for East Sussex schools. A resilience-based, whole school approach to promoting positive mental health and addressing individual needs.

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Co-produced resilience tools

Co-produced resilience tools

If you came to our Designing Resilience event in November 2015 you will remember the amazing range of resilience tools being developed by young people with complex needs together with local communities, digital artists and designers, academics, parents, practitioners and policy makers.

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Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back

Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back

Resilient Therapy is an innovative way of strengthening children with complex needs, that anyone can use. This tried-and-tested handbook is accessible and fun, includes exercises and worksheets, and breaks down research to apply to everyday situations.

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One Step Forward – Young people in care

One Step Forward – Young people in care

A visual guide to resilience written & illustrated by young people in foster care and care leavers, Boingboing, the Virtual School for Children in Care and the University of Brighton. Navigate your route towards resilience! Take your time to explore the activities, enjoy the images and take inspiration.

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Mental health and the Resilient Therapy toolkit

Mental health and the Resilient Therapy toolkit

This book is for any parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of their child. It is written by young people who have themselves experienced mental health issues, with a little help from a couple of adult friends.

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Our schools-based resilience projects

Our schools-based resilience projects

Our schools-based resilience research adapts the Resilience Framework for use in schools and helps schools make resilient moves across the whole school community. Many different types of school are working with us on this.

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