Our schools-based resilience research adapts the Resilience Framework for use in schools and helps schools make resilient moves across the whole school community via an Academic Resilience Approach. Of course, young people who aren’t in school but should be, are included in the approach. We have been working in partnership with the national charity Young Minds. A number of schools – mainstream secondary, primary, special and a virtual school for looked after children – are working with us on this.
We have also written a user-friendly guide called Resilience Approaches to Supporting Young People’s Mental Health (pdf) which covers various different schools-based and community-based resilience building programmes and approaches. If you want something more learned, take a look at this schools review paper (pdf) we wrote for an international academic journal on school-based approaches.
Resilience Approaches to Supporting Young People’s Mental Health
You can read details of the collaborative work of Steph Coombe, one of Angie’s PhD students who is also the deputy head of a special school in Newham, London. You can download for free the very snazzy One Step Forward guide to resilience , written and illustrated by young people in foster care in collaboration with Boingboing and the Virtual School for Children in Care for Brighton and Hove. Skip right now to the free suite of resources to help schools develop academic resilience which Professor Angie Hart produced with Lisa Williams with input from various other individuals and organisations, especially YoungMinds, Hove Park School and Eleanor Smith School.
The video below is a conversation between Professor Angie Hart and Professor Phil Haynes from the University of Brighton, talking about understanding and implementing systems change in the context of developing young people’s resilience.
Photo credit Emily Gagnon