Tomorrow’s Changers – 24 September 2019 – Blackpool Resilience Forum

Tomorrow's Changers HeadStart Newham Resilience Forum Blackpool September 2019
  • Resilience Forum

Topic  Tomorrow’s Changers – Becky Dawson (Head of Service), Sabrina Simpson (Co-production Practitioner), Hiwot Ameneshoa (Support Youth Practitioner Manager) and a number of young people from HeadStart Newham.

Resources  You can download the Forum slides and watch this short summary video:

Session Summary  HeadStart Newham presented on two projects with a key focus on resilience:

1. Team Social Action
Their borough-wide social action project took place over the 2018/2019 summer term and involved groups of young people from each of their 12 secondary schools. This project supported young people to map assets and resources available to them in schools and local communities with the aim of supporting positive wellbeing and building resilience. The team presented the findings and shared their learning.

2. Champion’s Conferences
During the 2018/2019 academic year HeadStart Newham held three youth led conferences. These were planned, designed and run by young people for young people. Around 80 young people were involved in the conferences which covered a range of topics linked to resilience such as keeping safe, positive relationships and dealing with stress. The presenters will explore how co-production on this level can not only support the resilience of the young people attending the conferences but also those developing and delivering them.

Biography  You can read more about the presenters here:

HeadStart Newham – HeadStart Newham focuses on:
Youth driven social change – Engage young people to create positive social change and make lasting contributions to the place they call home.
Choice and improved access – Provide choice and access to support for young people when and where they need it and in a way that works for them.
Improving outcomes for all – Take a population approach to improving outcomes for all young people and families, not one which just focuses on high risk individuals.
Prevention not cure – Focus on early intervention and prevention to tackle risk factors ‘upstream’, to lessen ‘downstream’ consequences.
End to silo working – Take a system wide multi-agency approach involving schools, local businesses, community influencers and citizens.
Long term commitment – Recognise and accept the complexity of the issues facing young people and make brave, evidence and research informed decisions that demand long term commitments to be effective.

Who might be most interested  Intended audience would include school leaders and staff interested in mapping support for young people both in school and on their doorstep, as well as anyone interested in connecting the dots where support and resource for young people is concerned, and in working together rather than in silos. Also, practitioners looking to develop co-production and resilience building across schools or youth organisations in order to empower young people to ensure their voice is heard. ‘Nothing about me, without me’.

Key Readings 

Boyle, D., Coote, A., Sherwood, C., & Slay, J. (2010) Right here, right now: taking co-production into the mainstream (Discussion Paper, New Economics Foundation, THE Lab –Innovating public services, NESTA, London.

This event took place on Tuesday 24 September 2019.

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