Resilient Therapy: Working with children and families


In this book, Angie, Derek and Helen explain a therapeutic methodology they designed to help children and young people find ways to keep positive when living amidst persistent disadvantage. Using detailed case material from a range of contexts, the authors illustrate how resilient mechanisms work in complex situations, and how resilient therapy works in real-life situations.

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Resilient Therapy: Working with children and families – Angie Hart and Derek Blincow with Helen Thomas

In this book, Angie, Derek and Helen explain a therapeutic methodology they designed to help children and young people find ways to keep positive when living amidst persistent disadvantage.

Using detailed case material from a range of contexts, the authors illustrate how resilient mechanisms work in complex situations, and how resilient therapy works in real-life situations.

A good read for practitioners working with children, adolescents and their families who wish to help their clients cope with adversity and promote resilience.

“Resilient Therapy gives unique and compelling voice to a vision for creating the means to promote healthy lives among all youth, even the most challenged and disadvantaged. This book provides a vital, timely, and empowering message of hope for all young people, parents, and practitioners.” – Richard M. Lerner, Director of Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development, Tufts University, USA

“Angie Hart and Derek Blincow’s Resilient Therapy is a much needed addition to the field of therapy. It brings to therapy a deep understanding of resilience theory and the passionate demonstration of how that theory can inform intervention at multiple levels. This is a politicized model of practice that addresses individual needs and the complexity of disadvantage that children confront. Front line practitioners will find here a magical, practical approach to therapy well informed by theory. This is an important resource for those working in multiple contexts with children facing numerous psychological and social challenges.” – Michael Ungar, Professor, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University, Canada

Hart, A., & Blincow, D., with Thomas, H. (2007). Resilient Therapy: Working with children and families. London: Brunner Routledge.

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