Boingboing blogs…
Cultural awareness training day
by Naz Biggs, Boingboinger
Our exciting project is well under way! Early this year we received funding from The Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), working alongside colleagues in South Africa. We wanted to understand how drought impacts young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Our team will be focusing on the municipality of Govan Mbeki. Although we knew the new knowledge and learning this key innovative project would bring to all involved, we were mindful of the many challenges that were ahead. As some of our team had never worked in a South African context before, we knew one challenge we would definitely face would be regarding cultural differences. Rahim Hassanali, a member of our virtual advisory group, works for the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and suggested that it would be beneficial to have a cultural awareness day before some of the UK team members go to South Africa. Rahim’s experience is grounded in working with young people to have a positive change in international development. He was keen to get involved in the project as it highlights and aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals, and champions the goal 17: ‘partnership for the goals’.
The Cultural Awareness session was an opportunity to have an open discussion about some of the issues that come up around cultural awareness. The session was facilitated by young person Naz Biggs (also an advisor) who is an Associate Trainer for Raleigh International. Raleigh International is a sustainability charity that sends UK volunteers abroad to work on various projects based on water sanitation and hygiene or livelihoods.
Many important insights came from the cultural awareness day, and gave team members the chance to share ideas, discuss and challenge some of the issues raised. We quickly realised that in some cases, it is important to know and understand our own goals for research projects and be mindful of ways to mitigate cultural insensitivities. We watched a thought provoking video by Ernesto Sirolli that highlighted the importance of listening to others, when working in international development. He argues that western cultures need to overcome the extractive relationship of ‘I am getting something from you or you are getting something from me’. You can watch Ernesto Sirolli’s TEDx talk here:
Professor Stephen Bottoms explained that one way to reduce ‘power relationships’ that can form in some situations is by having a neutral topic that both parties can learn from. In this case two groups collaborate to talk about this neutral topic in an equal environment. In this case ‘drought’ is a neutral topic that brings new insights as we exchange knowledge. This project is championing the equality message as we are all asking questions regarding drought and collectively trying to find answers. You can check out what we’ve been up to on Twitter #res2drought.
As we discussed other general issues around cultural awareness we spoke about how Jerome Hanley (1999), among others described culture to be like an iceberg. A lot of what makes up culture are things that we often cannot see or are below the surface. We then spoke about how we could apply this model to our own selves writing our own personal iceberg. How could some of the things that make up the biggest part of ourselves make up our own personalities? How could we possibly do the same with culture?
Naz introduced the PEST analysis model. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological. This tool is typically used in the business sector to assess four external factors that could impact a specific project, new venture or the organisation in anyway. Naz suggested that this is also a good tool that can support team members who have never worked in a country before, gather some information about the context they are going into. A PEST analysis can help determine how these four factors could affect the performance, activities and impact of your project. We discussed a PEST analysis that had been done by Naz for South Africa and shared how some factors could impact the project. For example, there are over 11 official languages spoken in South Africa. We have to be aware that English could be some of the participants’ and team members’ third or fourth language. We really ought to learn a few words in a few relevant languages.
We realised during the cultural awareness day and through reflection of the day that it would have been beneficial to have more input from South African colleagues to have a more specific look at the South African context, and thought this could be a suggestion for next time. We did seek support from Mosna, the Project Manager of Patterns of Resilience, however, and felt maybe next time our cultural awareness session could be co-produced with a South African colleague.
United we stand Film: Youth perspectives on developing resilience to drought in South Africa
United we stand is a policy briefing paper produced by all the team members involved in the co-productive research project led by Professor Angie Hart on Youth perspectives on developing resilience to drought in South Africa.
Final ‘Resilience to drought’ project visit to South Africa blog
We are back in South Africa, but, unfortunately for the final time regarding our Resilience project. I cannot believe that our project has actually come to an end.
Collective perspectives on co-production from Leandran co-researchers blog
This blog is a collective effort; Leandran co-researchers give their perspectives on the co-productive approach we used to research drought in South Africa.
Co-produced Film Premier in Leandra and RYSE Project in Secunda blog
On Monday morning we returned to Leandra for our final visit of the project, this time we were joined by Josh who is an apprentice from Blackpool HeadStart, in the UK, as a young co-researcher.
Coding our research data in Leandra blog
We began the task of coding all the data. Coding is the process of finding and grouping mentions of specific words and phrases, into common themes across lots of data. In this case it’s the group of transcripts that altogether add up to over 200 pages of data.
Image film-making workshop in Leandra blog
On Day 2 in Leandra, South Africa, as part of our Resilience to Drought project, Simon supports an image film-making workshop with young co-researchers exploring drought, led by Selogadi Mampane
Collaborative arts workshop in Leandra blog
If you’ve been following our Drought Resilience project you’ll know we’ve been in South Africa working with young co-researchers from Leandra. Naz supports the research process in a collaborative arts workshop, lead by Selogadi.
Arts activist approach Resilience Forum blog
Selogadi Mampane travelled all the way from Pretoria to give the Resilience Forum a live preview of her arts activist approach for young people, which is being used as part of the Patterns of Resilience to Drought project taking place in South Africa.
Co-researcher’s reflections on research activities blog
This co-produced blog was based on the reflections of University of Pretoria and Boingboing co-researchers who met with young people from Leandra, a small township in South Africa, to explore community resilience to drought.
Global Challenges Research Fund and Collaborative Research event blog
Lisa, Angie and Scott attended research events as part of our Patterns of Resilience to Drought project. Lisa reports from the Global Challenges Research Fund & Collaborative Research event, and the Arts & Humanities Research Council summit.
Arts activist approach to drought resilience – 9 June 2017 – Brighton Resilience Forum
This theatre workshop focussed on “the self as a starting point” using mapping to explore, communicate, share and make sense of personal narratives in relation to wider issues of human security, such as drought.
Resilience among young people in a community affected by drought
The expertise of young South Africans in coping with drought is being harnessed for this co-productive research project. Our team is working with partners to understand what enables young people to withstand, adapt to, resist or challenge these impacts.