Tips for school staff resilience during Covid-19

Tips for school staff resilience during Covid-19

Tips to support school staff resilience during Covid-19

You will all be responding in different ways and on different days. We’ve prepared a short 2 page sheet of tips for school staff to support your resilience at this time. These are based on self-compassion, kindness, asking for help and suggestions from the Resilience Framework. The Resilience Framework uses evidence from resilience research about actions and resources which can help people get through tough times. You can draw on these principles for yourself and in your interactions with others from your school community. Even from a distance you have the power to help create a resilient community in your school and contribute resilience-building moves to help everyone get through this crisis.

You can download a copy of the tips sheet for school staff. There is also a sheet on staff resilience for managers.


The Boingboing Resilience Framework

The Boingboing Resilience Framework

The Resilience Framework is a handy table that summarises ‘what works’ when supporting children and young people’s resilience according to the Resilience Research base. The Resilience Framework forms a cornerstone of our research and practice. On this page we have pulled together lots of useful links so you can find out all about the Resilience Framework.

The Academic Resilience Approach

The Academic Resilience Approach

Our resources help any school establish systems to build ‘resilience approaches’ that support disadvantaged pupils over time through a whole school approach. Benefitting all pupils and increasing academic resilience, the ARA helps everyone in the school community play a part.

Academic Resilience resources directory

Academic Resilience resources directory

Here you can download the Academic Resilience Approach resources to help any school establish systems to build ‘resilience approaches’ that support disadvantaged pupils over time through a whole school approach. All the Academic Resilience Approach resources are free to download.

Resilience Framework Co-produced with Children in Blackpool

Resilience Framework Co-produced with Children in Blackpool

The Resilience Framework for Primary School children was co-produced by the Resilience Committee at Marton Primary School, Blackpool. The Marton Primary School children learned some valuable resilience and technological skills during the process, which involved rewording some of the items in a more meaningful way for the children, and we think it looks fab! Also available in Danish, German and Polish.

Resilience Framework for Children and Young People – Black and White

Resilience Framework for Children and Young People – Black and White

This is the classic Resilience Framework for children and young people produced in black and white in case you, or the young people you support, prefer to colour code it yourselves, or don’t have access to a colour printer. The Resilience Framework sets out 42 resilient moves that can be made to support children and young people’s resilience.

Interactive Resilience Framework

Interactive Resilience Framework

The Interactive Resilience Framework was developed especially for schools with children and young people in mind and has more detail about each idea, including relevant research evidence, suggestions of what to do, and what you people themselves think.

Blank Resilience Framework

Blank Resilience Framework

This version of the Resilience Framework has been left blank so you can fill in your own items. The Resilience Framework summarises a set of ideas and practices that promote resilience. To create it we distilled what the resilience research base said into a handy table that summarises our approach and sets out 42 resilient moves that can be made to support children, young people, families and adults.

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